FAO and ILO join forces to protect children and adolescents in the rural sector
18 de April de 2016
Protect children from pesticides !: new guide for awareness and training
Children and adolescents living in rural areas are often vulnerable to chemicals and toxic elements that can cause irreparable physical damage, affect their brain functions and even predispose them to serious diseases such as cancer. With the aim of helping to develop a culture of prevention and protection, FAO and ILO launched the guide Protect children from pesticides !, a tool to make visible among farmers and rural families the negative consequences that their own children face and daughters when they are exposed to toxic agents such as pesticides, in many cases due to their participation in productive agricultural tasks for their own home or for third parties, and make them aware of the need to take practical measures at their disposal to prevent this situation.
According to FAO, the guide will be distributed in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru.
According to ILO data, of the 168 million boys, girls and adolescents between 5 and 17 years of age who work in the world, 59% do so in the agricultural sector, considered one of the most dangerous sectors along with construction and construction. mining.
In Latin America there are currently 12.5 million children and adolescents in child labor, of which 48% do so in the agricultural sector. In the distribution by subregions, it is found that in the Andean Region, 61% of the children who work do so in this productive sector; in Mesoamerica 43% and in the Southern Cone 38.4%.
According to FAO, this situation also affects the development of the agricultural sector and sustainable food security, since child labor perpetuates the cycle of poverty of the child, his family and, therefore, also the community in which he lives.
More information in:
Notes on Rural Work (FAO)
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