Report of the workshop "Implementation of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model in pilot countries of Latin America and the Caribbean"
28 de September de 2017
In September 2017, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru, member countries of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor, presented in Brasilia (Brazil) the results of the implementation of the first stage of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model, a statistical tool to prevent child labor, designed jointly by the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). This document provides the main findings and future perspectives.
Global Estimates of Child Labour: Results and trends, 2012-2016
19 de September de 2017
Fifth edition of the four-year series of ILO reports on global estimates, it outlines the path traveled to date and the distance that remains to be traveled to fulfill the commitment to end child labor. The report also describes the scale and main characteristics of child labor in the world today and the changes over time; In addition, the fundamental policy priorities for the year 2025 are analyzed, in coherence with the deadline set by target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Report on child labor in Guatemala - ENCOVI 2014
07 de September de 2017
The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Guatemala and the National Institute of Statistics (INE), with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO), analyzed the variables presented in the National Survey of Living Conditions 2014 around child labor ( ENCOVI 2014). As a result of this analysis, the Report on child labor in Guatemala was born, which aims to help guide actions, strategies, policies and processes aimed at the integral development of the country.
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Combating child labor in emergencies in Haiti
12 de June de 2017
In Haiti, many children and adolescents work in conditions which not only endanger their safety but also cause damage to their health and to their physical, mental and other development. The vulnerability of these children is compounded by the damage caused by the frequent passages of natural disasters due to its geographical position. When natural disasters strike fragile states such as Haiti, they exacerbate pre-existing conditions of instability and, consequently, cause negative factors thus affecting the functioning of employment structures.
Strengthening strategies and alliances in the prevention and eradication of child labor: exchange of experiences between Costa Rica, Chile and El Salvador
23 de May de 2017
Systematization of the meeting "Strengthening strategies and alliances in the prevention and eradication of child labor", in which delegates from Costa Rica, Chile and El Salvador participated. This activity aimed to learn about and exchange information on their experiences in monitoring child labor through information systems and inter-institutional coordination and address the challenges from public institutions to support business strategies related to the prevention and eradication of child labor, particularly business networks.
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From diagnosis to practice: internship and exchange of experiences on youth and adolescent employment
09 de May de 2017
Systematization of the meeting "From diagnosis to practice: internship and exchange of experiences on youth and adolescent employment", held from December 5 to 8, 2016 in Costa Rica. The participating countries were: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic.
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Contributions for reflection in the Americas
05 de May de 2017
Document developed as input for reflection, within the framework of the Preparatory Meeting of the Americas for the IV World Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labor. The main objective of the IV Conference is to contribute to the consolidation of global efforts to accelerate the sustained eradication of child labor in all its forms by 2025 and the eradication of forced labor by 2030. In addition to both topics, this document also includes the analysis and the discussion of active policies for social and economic inclusion, in correspondence with the generation of quality youth employment.
Good public-private practices for the eradication of child labor and protection of working adolescents in rural areas
03 de March de 2017
Proceedings of the International Forum "Good public-private practices for the prevention and eradication of child labor and protection of adolescent workers in rural areas", organized by the Ministry of Labor of Colombia and the International Labor Organization (ILO), together with other allies strategic.
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Towards the first generation free of child labor: an integrated and interdependent reading of the 2030 Agenda in light of target 8.7
27 de January de 2017
To achieve the goal of ending child labor in all its forms by 2025, it is necessary to reduce poverty, improve education, promote gender equality, and implement social protection policies, among others. Under this logic, this document analyzes the links that exist between goal 8.7 on the eradication of child labor and the other Sustainable Development Goals with which direct reciprocal incidence channels have been identified, based on a study of thematic correlations based on of empirical evidence in each field.
Memoria - III Reunión Presencial de Puntos Focales de la Iniciativa Regional América Latina y el Caribe libre de trabajo infantil
30 de December de 2016
Realizada del 28 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2016 en Fortaleza, Brasil. Tuvo dos componentes principales: uno de seguimiento y planificación, y otro temático sobre educación, específicamente referido a la educación secundaria y a la transición escuela-trabajo. El objetivo general fue fortalecer la respuesta de los países de América Latina y el Caribe para alcanzar la meta 8.7 de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, en lo referido a poner fin al trabajo infantil en todas sus formas en 2025.