Nuevas formas de trabajo infantil. Utilización y reclutamiento de niños, niñas y adolescentes para la realización de actividades ilícitas en las pandillas de El Salvador
23 de January de 2019
Este documento es una revisión bibliográfica sobre la relación entre pandillas y niños, niñas y adolescentes. El objetivo es visibilizar nuevas categorías de las “peores formas de trabajo infantil” en El Salvador, así como identificar las formas de utilización y reclutamiento de niños, niñas y adolescentes para la realización de actividades ilícitas en las pandillas. El documento se enmarca en los convenios internacionales de la OIT en materia de trabajo infantil.
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Operation guide with a cultural relevance approach for the CODEPETIs of Guatemala
13 de December de 2018
The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Guatemala designed an operating guide with a cultural relevance approach aimed at the Departmental Committees for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor (CODEPETI), with the aim of strengthening the organization, administrative procedures, responsibilities and actions around the prevention and eradication of child labor and its worst forms, considering the pluricultural, multiethnic and multilingual nature of Guatemala, and the high incidence of child labor in indigenous populations.
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EANNA - Survey of Activities of Children and Adolescents 2016-2017
04 de December de 2018
The EANNA is the second survey of this type carried out in Argentina -with its antecedent in 2004- and the first whose sample coverage covers the total national urban and rural area. Through statistics, it aims to measure and diagnose with greater precision the situation of child labor in the country, provide tools to feed public policies and contribute to the construction of a more informed citizenry.
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Good practices for the prevention and eradication of child labor in the Central American sugar sector
25 de September de 2018
Document prepared by Azucareros del Istmo Centroamericano (AICA), with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO). It collects experiences from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, with the aim of facilitating the exchange of knowledge and good practices aimed at the prevention and eradication of child labor in the sugar agroindustry.
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Child Labor Risk Identification Model applied in Mexico
24 de July de 2018
This document provides the main results obtained in Mexico through the application of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model, a tool promoted by the Regional Initiative -with the support of ILO and ECLAC- to accelerate the achievement of Target 8.7 in Latin American and Caribbean countries. It also provides a national file, thirty-two files of federative entities and thirty-two virtual cards (e-cards).
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Memoria - IV Reunión Presencial de Puntos Focales de la Iniciativa Regional América Latina y el Caribe libre de trabajo infantil
29 de June de 2018
Realizada del 8 al 11 de mayo de 2018 en Lima, Perú. Tuvo como objetivos: i) hacer el balance de la primera fase de trabajo 2014-2017, la cual estuvo centrada en la institucionalización de la plataforma, sus mecanismos de gestión y de gobernanza, y ii) elaborar el plan estratégico para la segunda fase de trabajo 2018-2021 y el plan operativo para el periodo 2018-2019.
Towards the urgent elimination of hazardous child labor
12 de June de 2018
Technical report prepared by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the framework of the 2018 World Day Against Child Labor. It gathers and evaluates new research on hazardous child labor, following the latest ILO report on this subject in 2011. The report highlights the vast experience and empirical knowledge base that can help accelerate their decline.
Keys to innovation. Systematization of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor 2014-2017
23 de April de 2018
This document compiles the main contributions of the Regional Initiative around five keys: unite, accelerate, associate, cooperate and go further. The count of progress in each key was organized considering aspects such as: ways in which the region was organized before the constitution of the Regional Initiative in 2014, actions in the contemplated period, achievements, learning and future challenges.
Understanding the dynamics of child labor in Central America and the Dominican Republic
21 de March de 2018
This study analyzes child labor in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and the Dominican Republic. It consists of seven chapters that collect key definitions, statistics, policy priorities to address the dual challenge of child labor and educational exclusion, among other findings that show the direction in which countries should head to contribute to the achievement of Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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Frequently asked questions about child labor and its worst forms
07 de March de 2018
Informative document on the basic concepts of child labor, the consequences in the life cycle of children and adolescents, and the impact it has on the development of the region. It offers proposals to change this situation from different areas of action. Available in Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole.