Mes: Selecciona
Año: Selecciona
New Alliance 8.7 for a world free of child labor and forced labor is launched
30 de September de 2016
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) , assumed by the countries that make up the United Nations, mark a panorama of g...
Target 8.7 and the first generation free of child labor in the region
28 de September de 2016
A year ago, the member countries of the United Nations set new challenges to achieve integral, sustainable and sustainab...
Latin American advances in educational coverage must be complemented with quality education
24 de September de 2016
The Commission for Quality Education for All presented in Argentina the report "Building a Quality Education: a pact wit...
What future awaits young people in the world of work?
19 de September de 2016
The ILO Regional Office invites all young people between 15 and 29 years of age to fill out the survey called What do yo...
New virtual platform on child labor
12 de September de 2016
This tool has been built to be a living space for dissemination, reflection, exchange and articulation among all actors...
Migrant childhood, a reality that has no borders
09 de August de 2016
The International Labor Organization and the Regional Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor...