New Alliance 8.7 for a world free of child labor and forced labor is launched
30 de September de 2016
Within the framework of the activities for the anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) , assumed by the countries that make up the United Nations, mark a panorama of great challenges necessary to have a just and sustainable society that allows improving the quality of life of people. For this, the 2030 Agenda recognizes that joint work, articulation and cooperation among countries is the key to achieving this.
Under this urgent call arises Alliance 8.7 , an innovative global initiative promoted by the International Labor Organization, whose purpose is to articulate existing and future efforts to comply with goal 8.7 of the SDGs and thus accompany the Member States of the Nations United in the eradication of forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor by 2025.
This Alliance will also help the progress of the SDGs that are interlinked and interdependent with target 8.7, due to its focus on poverty, education, gender equality, decent work, inequalities, peace and justice; and will focus on four strategic areas:
1. Accelerate processes
2. Better coordinate research and knowledge sharing
3. Stimulate innovation
4. Increase and mobilize resources
The official launch of Alliance 8.7 was held in New York, for which three panel discussions were organized with government representatives, workers 'and employers' organizations and distinguished academics as guests, who expressed their expectations about the role of the new Alianza and mentioned the challenges it will have to face to reach target 8.7.
One of the reflections of the event was the urgency of addressing the main causes of forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor, such as poverty and extreme poverty, vulnerability, inequality and lack of opportunities.
For this, the guests concluded that a solid legal framework is needed to ensure the rights of workers, refugees and migrants; the active participation of governments both nationally and internationally; the promotion of decent work, as a means to get out of poverty and restore human dignity; promoting education to eradicate child labor and close the gender gap; understanding cultural barriers to find the most appropriate means to overcome the negative externalities of cultural habits; and finally, the exchange of good practices.
It should be noted that Alliance 8.7 finds in the Regional Initiative a great ally for its actions at the regional level, particularly in its fight against child labor and for the respect of the rights of children and adolescents.
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