Mes: Selecciona
Año: Selecciona
Now more than ever #SinTrabajoInfantil
12 de June de 2020
The World Day Against Child Labor, commemorated by governments, employers 'and workers' organizations, instituti...
Guatemala manages to identify the risk of child labor in municipalities
12 de June de 2020
The Government of Guatemala, within the framework of the World Day Against Child Labor, presented the results of the app...
Crisis caused by COVID-19 could cause significant increase in child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean
11 de June de 2020
Lima / Santiago - The devastating impact of COVID-19 that generates a reduction in income and high levels of economic in...
How to respond to child labor in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean?
09 de June de 2020
This Wednesday, June 10 at 9:30 am (GMT-5) , the interagency discussion “Crisis and child labor” will be held from Zoom ...
How is child labor prevented in the region in times of COVID-19?
27 de May de 2020
In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. To date, the governme...
Progress towards the achievement of target 8.7 will depend on policies with a gender perspective
27 de March de 2020
According to the most recent global estimates from the International Labor Organization (ILO), male boys and adolescents...