Seven countries in the region presented progress in the pilot implementation of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model

15 de September de 2017

With the support of the Ministries of Labor and Social Development of Brazil, the ILO, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, AECID and the Junta de Andalucía.

Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico and Peru, member countries of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor, presented in Brasilia (Brazil) the results of the implementation of the first stage of the Identification Model Child Labor Risk, a statistical tool to prevent child labor, designed jointly by the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) .

The presentation was carried out during the workshop “Implementation of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model in the pilot countries of Latin America and the Caribbean: results and future perspectives”, a space for exchanging experiences on the application of the model promoted by the Technical Secretariat of the Regional Initiative, exercised by the ILO.

The Identification Model is a tool that collects the databases of the countries, such as surveys, censuses and administrative records, to identify territories according to their level of probability of child labor and the main factors associated with it. In addition, it will make it possible to focus the public policies created to separate children and adolescents from child labor and offer them better opportunities. 

Regarding the workshop, the participants considered the exchange on the progress of the process and the obstacles encountered very useful. The seven pilot countries have managed to identify technical and institutional improvements to the model's methodology, so that it facilitates interrupting the trajectory of child labor and its prevention through articulated responses; and in this way, achieve Target 8.7 of the 2030 Agenda on ending all forms of child labor by 2025.  

Likewise, one of the sessions was dedicated to identifying the key criteria to implement a second round of pilot countries of the model in the region for 2018. The discussion focused mainly on the need to strengthen the capacities of local governments, and to improve the inter-institutional articulation, among others.

On the other hand, the meeting provided the seven countries with a prior regional space to discuss the region's participation in the next  IV World Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labor , to be held in November in the city of Buenos Aires - Argentina.

This meeting was attended by 30 people, including representatives of the ministries of labor of the pilot countries, consultants linked to the Child Labor Risk Identification Model process  ,  and representatives of development cooperation agencies.

For more information, we invite you to review the memory of the workshop:

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