Participation of the English Caribbean is strengthened in the Regional Initiative against child labor
05 de October de 2018
With the incorporation of Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Within the framework of the 19th American Regional Meeting of the ILO, which ends today in Panama, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis signed the act of adhesion to the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Initiative free of child labor.
The Regional Director of the ILO, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, received the articles of incorporation signed by the Minister of Legal Affairs, Justice, Social Security and Labor of Antigua and Barbuda, Steadroy Benjamin; and by the Premier of Nevis and Minister of Labor, Social Security and Ecclesiastical Affairs of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Amory Vance.
With this incorporation, the action of the Regional Initiative is strengthened, which already has 30 member countries, and, in particular, the participation of countries of the English Caribbean.
The next step for both countries will be the appointment of a focal point to integrate the technical work network, made up of representatives of governments and employers 'and workers' organizations.
The accession of Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis is a sign of the will and political commitment of the Caribbean community to tackle child and adolescent labor through joint, articulated and tripartite action, as a strategy to improve the scope of both national and regional goals.
This growing participation of the English Caribbean countries in actions against child labor is the result of the work model proposed by the Regional Initiative, which has managed to reduce language barriers and bring the experience and knowledge of the Caribbean closer together, through active participation and visible with the rest of Latin American countries.
For information on the situation of children in the countries, you can check:
Antigua and Barbuda:
Saint Kitts y Nevis:
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