Reduce child labor to advance to a sustainable world
09 de May de 2017
An integrated reading of the 2030 Agenda and its target 8.7
The Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean free of child labor (IR) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have developed a web application that allows an agile reading of the link of goal 8.7, referring to ending child labor in in all its forms by 2025, with eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 35 of its targets.
The application is available in Spanish, English and soon also in French. It has up-to-date information on the characteristics of child labor and progress in its reduction in the region; introduces the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Decent Work as a goal and the eradication of child labor as a goal; proposes key messages and provides some links of interest related to the analysis.
Likewise, it will be possible to access the executive summary and the full report of the study “Latin America and the Caribbean: towards the first generation free of child labor. An integrated and interdependent reading of the 2030 Agenda in light of target 8.7 ”, which served as the basis for the construction of this application.
The platform demonstrates the direct impact that the policies and strategies of different sectors - such as Education, Health, Development, among others - have on the prevention and eradication of child labor, as it projects the need to include indicators or activities in them. related to this situation and thus reach the goal in 2025. For example, when actions are developed to improve access and permanence in the educational system for children and adolescents, or when measures are promoted to reduce inequality.
In this way, in the “Connections with 8.7” section of the application, the degree of interrelation and interdependence between target 8.7, linked to SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth, with eight Development Goals can be made visible: SDG 4 on Education quality; SDG 5 on Gender Equality; SDG 1 on End of poverty; SDG 10 on Reducing inequalities; SDG 2 on Zero Hunger; SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; SDG 3 on Health and Well-being and SDG 13 on Climate Action.
One of the characteristics of the 2030 Agenda is that it offers a common vision and shared objectives to “leave no one behind” and build a more just and inclusive world. This application contributes in that direction by offering information and elements that will facilitate this joint action between various actors and issues. It is the first part of a broader analysis that will be completed with the support of the ILO and the contributions of other partners committed to achieving the first generation free of child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean. Along these lines, academia and researchers are invited to expand the knowledge base by analyzing the interdependencies between the 17 SDGs with child labor and decent youth employment,
The application is accessible in the "Resources" section of this virtual platform. Also, it can be viewed from a cell phone through the following link: . If you need help navigating the application, either from a computer or mobile, you can review a guide here .
We invite you to join in the dissemination and promotion of the use of this tool by downloading the GIF and including it on your websites or through social networks. To download the GIF, go to:
Likewise, you can share from the same application the sections and connections of target 8.7 that are of interest to you or the executive summary and the complete study on the interdependence of target 8.7 with the SDGs.
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