Participate, contribute and build better policies for young people
02 de May de 2016
FAO launches electronic consultation on rural youth and decent work
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) invites you to participate in the electronic consultation "Youth - Feeding the Future: Addressing the challenges faced by rural youth aged 15 to 17 in preparing and access to decent work ", prior to the international meeting of experts to be held at the end of this year at FAO. The results of this initiative will inform the policy and program recommendations that will be formalized after the meeting.
According to Jacqueline Demeranville, part of FAO's Decent Rural Employment Team, “youth can be the engine of agricultural and rural transformations that lead to more inclusive and sustainable food systems”.
In Latin America and the Caribbean alone, a large part of the 4.9 million young people between the ages of 15 and 17 who perform hazardous work do so in rural areas. This reality urges us urgently to seek and propose solutions at a regional and global level that help these young people to overcome the challenges involved in entering the formal and secure world of work, especially in activities such as agriculture.
Comments will be received until May 13 at the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition. In addition, some participants of the electronic consultation could also be invited to collaborate in the expert meeting.
To participate in the consultation and obtain more information, go to: http: // -...
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