Students learn about child labor risks with mobile application
04 de July de 2016
A new mobile application guides students through games so that they know the current legislation and assert their rights in the face of the risks of child and adolescent labor.
It is “Avenida 7739”, which reaches the classrooms thanks to the coordination between the Defense of Girls, Boys International (DNI) Costa Rica and the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), through the Student Life Directorate.
This tool offers accessible and understandable information through new communication technologies, it can be used as part of pedagogical strategies to sensitize and clarify the elements that make up the protection system of the Costa Rican State against the risks of child and adolescent labor.
The tool is available for download, free of charge for Google's Android platform, for mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, and will have a version to be installed on PC and MAC and another version for web browser, accessing directly in the following address at
Topics such as current legislation, the rights of minors, adolescent work and prohibitions for child labor, are addressed from the application.
The tool is reminiscent of the Gran Banco board game and is aimed at children and adolescents, in which there are two players traveling a route and moving forward or backward according to the number obtained at random.
Source: http: // ...
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