AACID-ILO: Partners to achieve the first generation free of child labor in Latin America and the Caribbean
17 de December de 2019
The Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID) renewed its commitment to support the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labor for the period 2020-2021 with a contribution of 350,000 euros, which aims to contribute to the development of strategies for the prevention and elimination of child labor in the region, a reality that continues to affect 10.5 million children and adolescents, despite its decline in recent years.
The signing of the agreement was chaired by Rocío Ruiz Domínguez, Minister of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation of the Junta de Andalucía; María Luz Ortega, Director of the AACID; and Joaquín Nieto, Director of the ILO Office for Spain.
As representatives of the work being carried out by the Regional Initiative, Sylvia Cáceres, Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion (Peru), and David Zamora, Secretary of the Economy of the Tuxtla Gutiérrez City Council, Chiapas (Mexico) commented on the importance of this fundamental Alliance to Address Child Labor in Latin America and the Caribbean. To see the video of his intervention, click here .
During the event, an exhibition for schoolchildren entitled “Have they already arrived?” Was inaugurated, showing that it stages some of the spaces that the 10.5 million working children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean cannot fully enjoy because they use a large part of their time in long and exhausting working hours. The exhibition will remain at the AACID facilities until February 16, 2020. |
The positive results that the region currently exhibits are related to factors such as poverty reduction, increased public spending on education, the demographic bonus, and the favorable economic context. To these macro aspects are added the factors of institutional commitment and capacity of key actors. And in this line, the support of development partners such as AACID has been a fundamental aspect, which in solidarity has accompanied the growing commitment of governments, employers 'and workers' organizations and society as a whole in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to put an end to child labor, and that it has trusted and continues to do so, in the capacity and expertise of the ILO to accompany this process as Technical Secretariat of the Regional Initiative.
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